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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

3 Proven Tips For Fast Weight Loss (You Won't Feel Hungry, Tired Or Grumpy With Any of These!)

In this article we are going to discuss 3 proven tips for fast weight loss that WON'T drag you down in the process. No one likes to diet - and if you are anything like the vast majority of overweight folks around the globe, you avoid dieting on account of how it makes you feel while going without. (not great!) Continue reading as I shed a little bit of my own personal insight into what I find will alleviate this and fast! Read on..:-)

Tip #1: Find a Community

There is NOTHING like support when on a diet, and it's a proven fact that people do FAR better when they align themselves with others who are succeeding as well. I found this in the Medifast weight loss community forums and support system, and it made an INSTANT difference to my own ability to follow through.

Tip #2: The Magic is in the Movement

You have to move your body if you want LONG term results - and NOT just from the standpoint of weight, but overall health and wellness to boot. Exercise stimulates your body AND your brain, and the endorphin rush that will result will help you feel HAPPY, and energized no matter what you've eaten during the day!

Tip #3 : Pick A Program That Fills You UP (and You Enjoy!)

Again - for me, Medifast did both! I LOVE the meals, and very simply, it fills me up and fast so I'm not hungry. You need to find something that you WILL follow through, you enjoy from the standpoint of taste, and doesn't leave you feeling lacking as well!

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