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Monday, October 14, 2013

Amazing Weight Loss Tip - Walking to Weight Loss

Do you want to lose weight but don't want to really exercise and sweat your butt off? No problem! Because walking is the easiest way for you to lose weight without much effort.

In fact, I'm going to give you some awesome tips that helps you lose 10 pounds a month without much effort, but you have to combine it with some healthy eating habits.

This is a sure fire way to lose weight.

So let's dig right into to my walking to weight loss tip.

If the first thing you want to do is walk for 1 hour a day, five times a week. Even if you don't burn a lot of calories during your 1 hour walk compared to 1 hour running ... but if you do it five times a week that calories burning adds up.

The secret is consistently, obvious stuff, right?

You cannot just walk once per week and expect to lose weight right. Make a habit of walking every day for an hour -- enjoy the nature, the fresh air and birds that poop everywhere.

Oh! Another thing is that you want to break down your meals into six small meals per day. I don't even consider it 6 small meals - but rather large snacks.

Why would you want to do this?

Because you constantly supply your body with energy so you don't feel that hungry. (Obviously, you'll eat less and lose weight) Plus if you eat six small meals a day, your metabolism would be faster, so you burn fat faster. Pretty obvious right?

For More Related Topics Blog: Lose Weight After Baby

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