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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Daily Dosage of Acai Berry Products - How Much Do You Need Everyday For Optimum Weight Loss?

Acai berry products have gained a high level of popularity in the world due to many health benefits that it provides. One reason why it has achieved such fame is that it is said to aid in losing weight. Of course, weight loss is one of the main reasons why it is very popular among dieters. The fact that is also featured in popular shows like Oprah and Rachel Ray shows is an added factor. After all, if Oprah or Rachel has used them it might actually work, right?

Ok now that you've been convinced it will do wonders for your health, you might ask these questions "What is the daily dosage of acai berry products?" "How much do you need everyday to achieve the optimum result for losing weight?"

This superfruit can be eaten in its natural fruit but since acai berry is not readily available in its fruit form in many markets, it is then assumed that we take the ready available forms like capsules or juice form. While it is believed that this superfruit is most potent in its fruit form, juices and capsules are also great products in shedding those extra pounds.

As a start, the daily dosage of acai berry product to achieve optimum result in losing weight is about 1000 if you're taking the capsule or tablet form. This may be taken at least 20 minutes before breakfast and another 1 for about 20 minutes before lunch.

For the juice, a daily dosage of about 2-4 oz is sufficient in achieving the optimum result for fat loss. Be warned though that like any other weight loss products, adequate exercise and diet can maximize the results. It is not enough to simply consume this superfruit and expect tremendous results. Combining acai berry, proper diet and exercise is still best in achieving the optimum result in losing weight.

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