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Monday, October 14, 2013

Boost Your Diet and Exercise For Big Time Weight Loss

Are you motivated and ready to experience big time weight loss? Then you will need to give your typical diet and exercise routine a boost and this article will share exactly how you can do that. If you can spare just 2 minutes right now to read this article you will discover how to speed up your loss.

Big Time Weight Loss

1. Learn how to cheat the right way. Yes cheating on your diet can be a bad thing but it can also be a good thing if you understand just how to go about it. In fact, learning to strategically cheat in your diet will boost your metabolism helping you burn fat faster.

If you diet for a long time your metabolism drops, this is an attempt by the body to preserve body fat so you don't starve to death. This was great when we were cavemen and women and didn't know when our next meal would come but in today's modern world this is not so great.

So you must learn to outsmart your body with a weekly high calorie "cheat meal". Simply follow this schedule. Keep your diet strict for 6 days and then on day 7 have a cheat meal that includes any of your favorite foods. The small amount of water that you retain will easily be washed away by your faster metabolism.

2. Keep carbs out of your evening meal. A great way to explode weight loss is to eat carbs early in the day when your body quickly burns them for energy and then keep them out of your meals later in the day when your body does not need the energy and is more likely to convert them to stored energy or what you call FAT.

3. Maximize your exercise. The best exercise you can do for fat burning is cardio with varied intensity. Instead of just getting on the treadmill and moving at a steady pace, mix it up. Move in one minute increments from very high intensity to moderate or low intensity.

If you want to experience big time weight loss then you will benefit from giving your diet and exercise a boost and for even more great ideas follow the links below.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss No Diet

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