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Friday, October 25, 2013

How to Develop a Weight Loss Strategy

In order to lose those pounds it is important that your change your habits. This requires that you develop a weight loss strategy. It is essential that the strategy is something you can follow step by step. In this article, I will give you some specific advice about developing a weight loss strategy and at the end you will be able to implement this advice successfully.

1. Set a specific goal

When setting a goal you need to consider both your thoughts and action. You also need to be specific. Don't just say, "I want to lose weight". Instead, write down exactly how much weight you want to lose. Everyday, visualize yourself losing that exact weight and notice how good it feels. Take this feeling with you throughout the day.

2. Set a workable strategy

This is what action you need to do in order to reach your goal. This might be planning to go to the gym three times a week. It also mean setting your environment for success and this could include removing bad foods from the pantry, taking your lunch to work and eating at home instead of going out to fast food restaurants.

3. Break down your goals in to achievable steps

It is a lot less daunting losing 1 pound per week than it is losing 52 pounds in a year. You need to set step that you can achieve in the short term and that will lead to your long term goal. Remember to focus on things you can control. You can control how often you go to the gym and how much you eat, but you can't control how much you body will lose in weight as a result.

4. Set a realistic time frame

Change won't happen immediately. You need to be sure to have a realistic time frame in mind otherwise you will become depressed when you haven't reach your ideal weight in a matter of weeks.

5. Monitor your progress and be willing to adapt

For More Related Topics Blog: Foods To Avoid To Lose Weight

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